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Orbital sanders are perfect for sanding wooden floors where a precise smooth finish is a must. The movement of the abrasive is very fast and very small circular movements which makes an orbital machine the ideal choice for sanding and refinishing floors with the wood grain in different directions such as parquet floors or floors with decorative inlays, also thin laminated floors where a drum sander could be too aggressive.
The Squar Buff 600B Orbital Sander offers a range of special features for the Do-It-Yourself Handyman or professional contractor. Its special design prevents damage to your floor, allows you to sand in hard-to-reach corners, and lets you load sandpaper without using tools. model a close finish to edges, sides and corners
Best used on any oil-stained, painted, finished or bare wood surface interior or exterior and is also ideal as a floor polisher, scrubber and vinyl floor stripper.
This Orbital Floor Sander is one of our items available for rent. See our rental pamphlet below for a complete listing and rental fees